The Context of Demand Forecasting
Importance of Demand Forecasting
Forecasting product demand is
crucial to any supplier, manufacturer, or retailer. Forecasts of future demand
will determine the quantities that should be purchased, produced, and shipped.
Demand forecasts are necessary since the basic operations process, moving from
the suppliers' raw materials to finished goods in the customers' hands, takes
time. Most firms cannot simply wait for demand to emerge and then react to it.
Instead, they must anticipate and plan for future demand so that they can react
immediately to customer orders as they occur. In other words, most
manufacturers "make to stock" rather than "make to order" –
they plan ahead and then deploy inventories of finished goods into field
locations. Thus, once a customer order materializes, it can be fulfilled
immediately – since most customers are not willing to wait the time it would
take to actually process their order throughout the supply chain and make the
product based on their order. An order cycle could take weeks or months to go
back through part suppliers and sub-assemblers, through manufacture of the
product, and through to the eventual shipment of the order to the customer.
Firms that offer rapid delivery
to their customers will tend to force all competitors in the market to keep
finished good inventories in order to provide fast order cycle times. As a
result, virtually every organization involved needs to manufacture or at least
order parts based on a forecast of future demand. The ability to accurately
forecast demand also affords the firm opportunities to control costs through
leveling its production quantities, rationalizing its transportation, and
generally planning for efficient logistics operations.
In general practice, accurate
demand forecasts lead to efficient operations and high levels of customer
service, while inaccurate forecasts will inevitably lead to inefficient, high
cost operations and/or poor levels of customer service. In many supply chains,
the most important action we can take to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the logistics process is to improve the quality of the demand
Forecasting Demand in a Logistics System
Logistics professionals are typically interested
in where and when customer demand will materialize. Consider a retailer selling
through five superstores in Boston ,
New York , Detroit , Miami , and Chicago . It is not sufficient to know that
the total demand will be 5,000 units per month, or, say, 1,000 units per month
per store, on the average. Rather it is important to know, for example, how
much the Boston
store will sell in a specific month, since specific stores must be supplied
with goods at specific times. The requirement might be to forecast the monthly
demand for an item at the Boston
superstore for the first three months of the next year. Using available
historical data, without any further analysis, the best guess of monthly demand
in the coming months would probably be the average monthly sales over the last
few years. The analytic challenge is to is to come up
with a better forecast than this simple average.
Since the logistics system must satisfy
specific demand, in other words what is needed, where and when, accurate
forecasts must be generated at the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) level, by stocking
location, and by time period. Thus, the logistics information system must often
generate thousands of individual forecasts each week. This suggests that useful
forecasting procedures must be fairly "automatic"; that is, the
forecasting method should operate without constant manual intervention or
analyst input.
Forecasting is a problem that arises in many
economic and managerial contexts, and hundreds of forecasting procedures have
been developed over the years, for many different purposes, both in and outside
of business enterprises. The procedures that we will discuss have proven to be
very applicable to the task of forecasting product demand in a logistics
system. Other techniques, which can be quite useful for other forecasting
problems, have shown themselves to be inappropriate or inadequate to the task
of demand forecasting in logistics systems. In many large firms, several
organizations are involved in generating forecasts. The marketing department,
for example, will generate high-level long-term forecasts of market demand and
market share of product families for planning purposes. Marketing will also
often develop short-term forecasts to help set sales targets or quotas. There
is frequently strong organizational pressure on the logistics group to simply
use these forecasts, rather than generating additional demand forecasts within
the logistics system. After all, the logic seems to go, these marketing
forecasts cost money to develop, and who is in a better position than marketing
to assess future demand, and "shouldn’t we all be working with the same
game plan anyway…?"
In practice, however, most firms have found
that the planning and operation of an effective logistics system requires the
use of accurate, disaggregated demand forecasts. The manufacturing organization
may need a forecast of total product demand by week, and the marketing
organization may need to know what the demand may be by region of the country
and by quarter. The logistics organization needs to store specific SKUs in
specific warehouses and to ship them on particular days to specific stores.
Thus the logistics system, in contrast, must often generate weekly, or even
daily, forecasts at the SKU level of detail for each of hundreds of individual
stocking locations, and in most firms, these are generated nowhere else.
An important issue for all
forecasts is the "horizon;" that is, how far into the future must the
forecast project? As a general rule, the farther into the future we look, the
more clouded our vision becomes -- long range forecasts will be less accurate
that short range forecasts. The answer depends on what the forecast is used
for. For planning new manufacturing facilities, for example, we may need to
forecast demand many years into the future since the facility will serve the
firm for many years. On the other hand, these forecasts can be fairly aggregate
since they need not be SKU-specific or broken out by stockage location. For
purposes of operating the logistics system, the forecasting horizon need be no
longer than the cycle time for the product. For example, a given logistics
system might be able to routinely purchase raw materials, ship them to
locations, generate finished goods, and then
ship the product to its field locations in, say, ninety days. In this case,
forecasts of SKU - level customer demand which can reach ninety days into the
future can tell us everything we need to know to direct and control the
on-going logistics operation.
It is also important to note that the demand
forecasts developed within the logistics system must be generally consistent
with planning numbers generated by the production and marketing organizations.
If the production department is planning to manufacture two million units,
while the marketing department expects to sell four million units, and the
logistics forecasts project a total demand of one million units, senior
management must reconcile these very different visions of the future.
The Nature of Customer Demand
Most of the procedures in this chapter are
intended to deal with the situation where the demand to be forecasted arises
from the actions of the firm’s customer base. Customers are assumed to be able
to order what, where, and when they desire. The firm may be able to influence
the amount and timing of customer demand by altering the traditional
"marketing mix" variables of product design, pricing, promotion, and
distribution. On the other hand, customers remain free agents who react to a
complex, competitive marketplace by ordering in ways that are often difficult
to understand or predict. The firm’s lack of prior knowledge about how the
customers will order is the heart of the forecasting problem – it makes the
actual demand random.
However, in many other situations where
inbound flows of raw materials and component parts must be predicted and
controlled, these flows are not rooted in the individual decisions of many
customers, but rather are based on a production schedule. Thus, if TDY Inc.
decides to manufacture 1,000 units of a certain model of personal computer
during the second week of October, the parts requirements for each unit are
known. Given each part supplier’s lead-time requirements, the total parts
requirement can be determined through a structured analysis of the product's
design and manufacturing process. Forecasts of customer demand for the product
are not relevant to this analysis. TDY, Inc., may or may not actually sell the
1,000 computers, but that is a different issue altogether. Once they have
committed to produce 1,000 units, the inbound logistics system must work
towards this production target. The Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
technique is often used to handle this kind of demand. This demand for
component parts is described as dependent demand (because it is dependent on
the production requirement), as contrasted with independent demand, which would
arise directly from customer orders or purchases of the finished goods. The MRP
technique creates a deterministic demand schedule for component parts, which
the material manager or the inbound logistics manager must meet. Typically a
detailed MRP process is conducted only for the major components (in this case,
motherboards, drives, keyboards, monitors, and so forth). The demand for other
parts, such as connectors and memory chips, which are used in many different
product lines, is often simply estimated and ordered by using statistical
forecasting methods such as those described in this chapter.
General Approaches to Forecasting
All firms forecast demand, but it would be
difficult to find any two firms that forecast demand in exactly the same way.
Over the last few decades, many different forecasting techniques have been
developed in a number of different application areas, including engineering and
economics. Many such procedures have been applied to the practical problem of
forecasting demand in a logistics system, with varying degrees of success. Most
commercial software packages that support demand forecasting in a logistics system
include dozens of different forecasting algorithms that the analyst can use to
generate alternative demand forecasts. While scores of different forecasting
techniques exist, almost any forecasting procedure can be broadly classified
into one of the following four basic categories based on the fundamental
approach towards the forecasting problem that is employed by the technique.
1. Judgmental Approaches. The essence of the judgmental approach is to address
the forecasting issue by assuming that someone else knows and can tell you the
right answer. That is, in a judgment-based technique we gather the knowledge
and opinions of people who are in a position to know what demand will be. For
example, we might conduct a survey of the customer base to estimate what our
sales will be next month.
2. Experimental
Approaches. Another
approach to demand forecasting, which is appealing when an item is
"new" and when there is no other information upon which to base a
forecast, is to conduct a demand experiment on a small group of customers and
to extrapolate the results to a larger population. For example, firms will
often test a new consumer product in a geographically isolated "test
market" to establish its probable market share. This experience is then
extrapolated to the national market to plan the new product launch.
Experimental approaches are very useful and necessary for new products, but for
existing products that have an accumulated historical demand record it seems
intuitive that demand forecasts should somehow be based on this demand
experience. For most firms (with some very notable exceptions) the large
majority of SKUs in the product line have long demand histories.
3. Relational/Causal
Approaches. The assumption
behind a causal or relational forecast is that, simply put, there is a reason
why people buy our product. If we can understand what that reason (or set of
reasons) is, we can use that understanding to develop a demand forecast. For
example, if we sell umbrellas at a sidewalk stand, we would probably notice
that daily demand is strongly correlated to the weather – we sell more
umbrellas when it rains. Once we have established this relationship, a good
weather forecast will help us order enough umbrellas to meet the expected
4. "Time Series"
Approaches. A time series procedure is fundamentally different than the
first three approaches we have discussed. In a pure time series technique, no
judgment or expertise or opinion is sought. We do not look for
"causes" or relationships or factors which somehow "drive"
demand. We do not test items or experiment with customers. By their nature, time series procedures are applied to demand
data that are longitudinal rather than cross-sectional. That is, the demand
data represent experience that is repeated over time rather than across items
or locations. The essence of the approach is to recognize (or assume) that
demand occurs over time in patterns that repeat themselves, at least
approximately. If we can describe these general patterns or tendencies, without
regard to their "causes", we can use this description to form the
basis of a forecast.
In one sense, all forecasting procedures
involve the analysis of historical experience into patterns and the projection
of those patterns into the future in the belief that the future will somehow
resemble the past. The differences in the four approaches are in the way this
"search for pattern" is conducted. Judgmental approaches rely on the
subjective, ad-hoc analyses of external individuals. Experimental tools
extrapolate results from small numbers of customers to large populations.
Causal methods search for reasons for demand. Time series techniques simply
analyze the demand data themselves to identify temporal patterns that emerge
and persist.
Judgmental Approaches to
By their nature, judgment-based forecasts
use subjective and qualitative data to forecast future outcomes. They
inherently rely on expert opinion, experience, judgment, intuition, conjecture,
and other "soft" data. Such techniques are often used when historical
data are not available, as is the case with the introduction of a new product
or service, and in forecasting the impact of fundamental changes such as new
technologies, environmental changes, cultural changes, legal changes, and so
forth. Some of the more common procedures include the following:
Surveys. This is a "bottom up" approach where each individual
contributes a piece of what will become the final forecast. For example, we
might poll or sample our customer base to estimate demand for a coming period.
Alternatively, we might gather estimates from our sales force as to how much
each salesperson expects to sell in the next time period. The approach is at
least plausible in the sense that we are asking people who are in a position to
know something about future demand. On the other hand, in practice there have
proven to be serious problems of bias associated with these tools. It can be
difficult and expensive to gather data from customers. History also shows that
surveys of "intention to purchase" will generally over-estimate
actual demand – liking a product is one thing, but actually buying it is often
quite another. Sales people may also intentionally (or even unintentionally)
exaggerate or underestimate their sales forecasts based on what they believe
their supervisors want them to say. If the sales force (or the customer base)
believes that their forecasts will determine the level of finished goods
inventory that will be available in the next period, they may be sorely tempted
to inflate their demand estimates so as to insure good inventory availability.
Even if these biases could be eliminated or controlled, another serious problem
would probably remain. Sales people might be able to estimate their weekly
dollar volume or total unit sales, but they are not likely to be able to
develop credible estimates at the SKU level that the logistics system will
require. For these reasons it will seldom be the case that these tools will
form the basis of a successful demand forecasting procedure in a logistics
Consensus methods. As an alternative to the
"bottom-up" survey approaches, consensus methods use a small group of
individuals to develop general forecasts. In a “Jury of Executive Opinion”, for
example, a group of executives in the firm would meet and develop through
debate and discussion a general forecast of demand. Each individual would
presumably contribute insight and understanding based on their view of the
market, the product, the competition, and so forth. Once again, while these
executives are undoubtedly experienced, they are hardly disinterested
observers, and the opportunity for biased inputs is obvious. A more formal
consensus procedure, called “The Delphi Method”, has been developed to help
control these problems. In this technique, a panel of disinterested technical
experts is presented with a questionnaire regarding a forecast. The answers are
collected, processed, and re-distributed to the panel, making sure that all
information contributed by any panel member is available to all members, but on
an anonymous basis. Each expert reflects on the gathering opinion. A second
questionnaire is then distributed to the panel, and the process is repeated
until a consensus forecast is reached. Consensus methods are usually
appropriate only for highly aggregate and usually quite long-range forecasts.
Once again, their ability to generate useful SKU level forecasts is
questionable, and it is unlikely that this approach will be the basis for a
successful demand forecasting procedure in a logistics system.
Judgment-based methods are important in that
they are often used to determine an enterprise's strategy. They are also used
in more mundane decisions, such as determining the quality of a potential
vendor by asking for references, and there are many other reasonable
applications. It is true that judgment based techniques are an inadequate basis
for a demand forecasting system, but this should not be construed to mean that
judgment has no role to play in logistics forecasting or that salespeople have
no knowledge to bring to the problem. In fact, it is often the case that sales
and marketing people have valuable information about sales promotions, new
products, competitor activity, and so forth, which should be incorporated into
the forecast somehow. Many organizations treat such data as additional
information that is used to modify the existing forecast rather than as the
baseline data used to create the forecast in the first place.
Experimental Approaches to
In the early stages of new product
development it is important to get some estimate of the level of potential
demand for the product. A variety of market research techniques are used to
this end.
Customer Surveys are sometimes conducted over the telephone or
on street corners, at shopping malls, and so forth. The new product is
displayed or described, and potential customers are asked whether they would be
interested in purchasing the item. While this approach can help to isolate
attractive or unattractive product features, experience has shown that
"intent to purchase" as measured in this way is difficult to translate
into a meaningful demand forecast. This falls short of being a true “demand
Consumer Panels are also used in the early phases of product
development. Here a small group of potential customers are brought together in
a room where they can use the product and discuss it among themselves. Panel
members are often paid a nominal amount for their participation. Like surveys,
these procedures are more useful for analyzing product attributes than for
estimating demand, and they do not constitute true “demand experiments” because
no purchases take place.
Test Marketing is often employed after new product
development but prior to a full-scale national launch of a new brand or
product. The idea is to choose a relatively small, reasonably isolated, yet
somehow demographically "typical" market area. In the United States ,
this is often a medium sized city such as Cincinnati
or Buffalo . The
total marketing plan for the item, including advertising, promotions, and
distribution tactics, is "rolled out" and implemented in the test
market, and measurements of product awareness, market penetration, and market
share are made. While these data are used to estimate potential sales to a
larger national market, the emphasis here is usually on "fine-tuning"
the total marketing plan and insuring that no problems or potential
embarrassments have been overlooked. For example, Proctor and Gamble extensively
test-marketed its Pringles potato chip product made with the fat substitute
Olestra to assure that the product would be broadly acceptable to the market.
Scanner Panel Data procedures have recently been developed that
permit demand experimentation on existing brands and products. In these
procedures, a large set of household customers agrees to participate in an
ongoing study of their grocery buying habits. Panel members agree to submit
information about the number of individuals in the household, their ages, household
income, and so forth. Whenever they buy groceries at a supermarket
participating in the research, their household identity is captured along with
the identity and price of every item they purchased. This is straightforward
due to the use of UPC codes and optical scanners at checkout. This procedure
results in a rich database of observed customer buying behavior. The analyst is
in a position to see each purchase in light of the full set of alternatives to
the chosen brand that were available in the store at the time of purchase,
including all other brands, prices, sizes, discounts, deals, coupon offers, and
so on. Statistical models such as discrete choice models can be used to analyze
the relationships in the data. The manufacturer and merchandiser are now in a
position to test a price promotion and estimate its probable effect on brand
loyalty and brand switching behavior among customers in general. This approach
can develop valuable insight into demand behavior at the customer level, but
once again it can be difficult to extend this insight directly into demand
forecasts in the logistics system.
Relational/Causal Approaches to
Suppose our firm operates retail stores in a
dozen major cities, and we now decide to open a new store in a city where we
have not operated before. We will need to forecast what the sales at the new
store are likely to be. To do this, we could collect historical sales data from
all of our existing stores. For each of these stores we could also collect
relevant data related to the city's population, average income, the number of
competing stores in the area, and other presumably relevant data. These
additional data are all referred to as explanatory variables or independent
variables in the analysis. The sales data for the stores are considered to be
the dependent variable that we are trying to explain or predict.
The basic premise is that if we can find
relationships between the explanatory variables (population, income, and so
forth) and sales for the existing stores, then these relationships will hold in
the new city as
well. Thus, by collecting data on the explanatory variables in the target city
and applying these relationships, sales in the new store can be estimated. In
some sense the posture here is that the explanatory variables "cause"
the sales. Mathematical and statistical procedures are used to develop and test
these explanatory relationships and to generate forecasts from them. Causal
methods include the following:
Econometric models, such as discrete choice models and
multiple regression. More elaborate systems involving sets of simultaneous
regression equations can also be attempted. These advanced models are beyond
the scope of this book and are not generally applicable to the task of
forecasting demand in a logistics system.
Input-output models estimate the flow of goods between markets
and industries. These models ensure the integrity of the flows into and out of
the modeled markets and industries; they are used mainly in large-scale
macro-economic analysis and were not found useful in logistics applications.
Life cycle models look at the various stages in a product's
"life" as it is launched, matures, and phases out. These techniques
examine the nature of the consumers who buy the product at various stages
("early adopters," "mainstream buyers,"
"laggards," etc.) to help determine product life cycle trends in the
demand pattern. Such models are used extensively in industries such as high
technology, fashion, and some consumer goods facing short product life cycles.
This class of model is not distinct from the others mentioned here as the
characteristics of the product life cycle can be estimated using, for example,
econometric models. They are mentioned here as a distinct class because the
overriding "cause" of demand with these models is assumed to be the
life cycle stage the product is in.
Simulation models are used to model the flows of components
into manufacturing plants based on MRP schedules and the flow of finished goods
throughout distribution networks to meet customer demand. There is little
theory to building such simulation models. Their strength lies in their ability
to account for many time lag effects and complicated dependent demand
schedules. They are, however,
typically cumbersome and complicated.
Time Series Approaches to Forecasting
Although all four approaches are sometimes
used to forecast demand, generally the time-series approach is the most
appropriate and the most accurate approach to generate the large number of
short-term, SKU level, locally dis-aggregated forecasts required to operate a
physical distribution system over a reasonably short time horizon. On the other
hand, these time series techniques may not prove to be very accurate. If the
firm has knowledge or insight about future events, such as sales promotions,
which can be expected to dramatically alter the otherwise expected demand, some
incorporation of this knowledge into the forecast through judgmental or
relational means is also appropriate.
Many different time series forecasting
procedures have been developed. These techniques include very simple procedures
such as the Moving Average and various procedures based on the related concept
of Exponential Smoothing. These procedures are extensively used in logistics systems,
and they will be thoroughly discussed in this chapter. Other more complex
procedures, such as the Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) Models, are also available and are
sometimes used in logistics systems. However, in most cases these more
sophisticated tools have not proven to be superior to the simpler tools, and so
they are not widely used in logistics systems. Our treatment of them here will
therefore be brief.
Basic Time Series Concepts
Before we begin our discussion of specific
time series techniques, we will outline some concepts, definitions, and
notation that will be common to all of the procedures.
Definitions and Notation
A time series is a set of observations of a
process, taken at regular intervals. For example, the weekly demand for product
number "XYZ" (a pair of 6 " bi-directional black speakers) at
the St. Louis warehouse of the "Speakers-R-Us" Company during
calendar year 1998 would be a time series with 52 observations, or data points.
Note that this statement inherently involves aggregation over time, in that we
do not keep a record of when during the week any single speaker was actually
demanded. If this were in fact important, we could work with a daily time
series with 365 observations per year. In practice, for purposes of operating
logistics systems, most firms aggregate demand into weekly, bi-weekly, or
monthly intervals.
We will use the notation Zt to represent observed demand at time t. Thus
the statement "Z13 = 328" means
that actual demand for an item in period 13 was 328 units. The notation Z't will designate a forecast, so that "Z'13 = 347" means that a forecast for demand
in period 13 was 347 units. By convention, throughout this chapter we will
consider that time "t" is "now"; all observations of demand
up through and including time "t" are known, and the focus will be on
developing a "one-period ahead" forecast, that is, Z’t+1. Note that in the time series framework,
such a forecast must be generated as a function of Zt-1, Zt-2,
Zt-3, …-- the observed demand.
We intend for the forecasts to be accurate, but we do not expect them to
be perfect or error-free. To measure the forecast accuracy, we define the error
associated with any forecast to be et,
Zt - Z ' t
That is, the error is the signed algebraic
difference between the actual demand and the forecasted demand. A positive
error indicates that the forecast was too low, and a negative error indicates
an "over-forecast".
In the time series approach, we assume that
the data at hand consist of some "pattern", which is consistent, and
some noise, which is a non-patterned, random component that simply cannot be
forecasted. Conceptually, we can think of noise as the way we recognize that a
part of customers’ behavior is inherently random. Alternatively, we can think
of a random noise term as simply a parsimonious way of representing the vast
number of factors and influences which might effect demand in any given period
(advertising, weather, traffic, competitors, and so forth) which we could never
completely recognize and analyze in advance. The time series procedure attempts
to capture and model the “pattern” and to ignore the “noise”. In statistical
terms, we can model the noise component of the observation, nt, as a realization of a random variable,
drawn from an arbitrary, time-invariant probability distribution with a mean of
zero and a constant variance. We further assume that the realizations of the
noise component are serially uncorrelated, so that no number of consecutive
observations of the noise would provide any additional information about the
next value in the series.
Time Series Patterns
The simplest time series would be stationary data. A series is said to
be stationary if it maintains a persistent level over time, and if fluctuations
around that level are merely random, that is, attributable only to noise. We
can represent a stationary time series mathematically as a set of observations
arising from a hypothetical generating process function of the form:
Zt = L + et
L is some constant (the "level" of the series) and nt is the noise term associated with period t.
This is a very simple process that is trivial to forecast – our forecast should
always be:
Z’t+1 = L
It does not follow, however, that our
forecasts will be particularly accurate. To the extent that the noise terms are
small in absolute value, in comparison to the level term (which is to say, to
the extent that the variance of the probability distribution function from
which the noise observations are drawn is small), the forecasts should be accurate.
To the extent that the noise terms are relatively large, the series will be
very volatile and the forecasts will suffer from large errors.
Another common pattern is that of trend,
which is the persistent general tendency of the series to move in one direction
over time, either upwards or downwards. If demand has linear trend, then it is
growing (or shrinking) at a consistent or constant rate over time. Non-linear
trend is also possible, in which case the rate of growth or shrinkage per
period is changing over time. A time series usually possesses both a trend
component and a noise component, so that the actual nature and extent of the
trend in the data is obscured by the noise and may not be obvious. Specific
time series procedures have been developed to explicitly model the trend
phenomenon when it is expected in demand data.

Seasonality is the tendency of the series to
regularly move through high and low periods that are directly related to time,
and most typically, to time of year. Seasonality is a pervasive pattern that is
found in the demand not only for consumer goods, but for commercial and
industrial goods as well. Seasonality patterns can be quite pronounced. It is
not unusual for SKU level demand to vary by thirty to forty percent from season
to season. In some cases, such as the retail demand for toys and other gift
items, demand during the month of December is often many times the average
demand per month. In another example, about eighty percent of all the gas
barbecue grills which will be sold in the United States in any given year
will be sold during the ten percent of the year which falls between Memorial
Day and the Fourth of July. With industrial and commercial goods there is a
pronounced tendency to ship more product at the end of each month and
particularly at the end of each quarter, when sales and manufacturing quotas
are being tallied up. A forecasting procedure that ignores or somehow
"misses" the seasonality will produce forecasts that are not merely
inaccurate. The forecasts will tend to under-forecast during the peak season
and over-forecast during the off-season. As a result, the firm will
under-produce and under-stock the item during the selling peak, and will
overproduce and over-stock during periods when demand is slow.

A final type of pattern that is often
discussed in the general forecasting literature is that of “cycle”. Cycle is
the tendency of a series to move through long term upward and downward
movements which are not of regular length or periodicity and which are
therefore not related to the time of year. Cyclical patterns often occur in
economic time series (including aggregate demand data) which are influenced by
the general state of the national economy, or the so-called "business
cycle". As the economy slowly moves through stages of expansion,
slow-down, recession, and recovery, the general demand for most goods could be
expected to mirror this cycle. On the other hand, some goods can be
counter-cyclical; that is, they sell well when the economy is weak and poorly
when the economy is strong. For example, we might expect the demand for filet
mignon to be cyclical and the demand for hamburger to be counter-cyclical if
consumers switch from steak to hamburger when "times are tough."
Cycle undoubtedly has an influence on the demand for some items in a logistics
system, but the "turns" of the business cycle are exceedingly
difficult to forecast accurately. In addition, cycle is a long-term phenomenon.
For the purpose of generating short-term demand forecasts, most logistics
systems simply ignore cycle. This is the equivalent of assuming that the
current state of the economy, and hence its influence on demand for the item,
will not change appreciably during the forecasting horizon.
Many items in a logistics system can be
expected to display demand patterns that simultaneously include trend,
seasonality, and noise. Most traditional time series techniques attempt to
separate out these influences into individually estimated components. This
general concept is often referred to as the decomposition of the series into
its component structure.
Accuracy and Bias
In general, a set of forecasts will be
considered to be accurate if the forecast errors, that is, the set of et values
which results from the forecasts, are sufficiently small. The next section
presents statistics based on the forecast errors, which can be used to measure
forecast accuracy. In thinking about forecast accuracy, it is important to bear
in mind the distinction between error and noise. While related, they are not
the same thing. Noise in the demand data is real and is uncontrollable and will
cause error in the forecasts, because by our definition we cannot forecast the
noise. On the other hand, we create the errors that we observe because we
create the forecasts; better forecasts will have smaller errors.
In some cases demand forecasts are not
merely inaccurate, but they also exhibit bias. Bias is the persistent tendency
of the forecast to err in the same direction, that is, to consistently
over-predict or under-predict demand. We generally seek forecasts which are as
accurate and as unbiased as possible. Bias represents a pattern in the errors,
suggesting that we have not found and exploited all of the pattern in the
demand data. This in turn would suggest that the forecasting procedure being
used is inappropriate. For example, suppose our forecasting system always gave
us a forecast that was on average ten units below the actual demand for that
period. If we always adjusted this forecast by adding ten units to it (thus
correcting for the bias), the forecasts would become more accurate as well as
more unbiased.
Logistics managers sometimes prefer to work
with intentionally biased demand forecasts. In a situation where high levels of
service are very important, some managers like to use forecasts that are
"biased high" because they tend to build inventories and therefore
reduce the incidence of stockouts. In a situation where there are severe
penalties for holding too much inventory, managers sometimes prefer a forecast
which is "biased low," because they would prefer to run the increased
risk of stocking out rather than risk holding “excess” inventories. In some
cases managers have even been known to manually adjust the system forecasts to
create these biases in an attempt to drive the inventory in the desired
direction. This is an extremely bad idea. The problem here is that there is no
sound way to know how much to "adjust" the forecasts, since this
depends in a fairly complicated way on the costs of inventory versus the costs
of shortages. Neither of these costs is represented in any way in the
forecasting data. The more sound approach is therefore to generate the most
accurate and unbiased forecasts possible, and then to use these forecasts as
planning inputs to inventory control algorithms that will explicitly consider
the forecasting errors, inventory costs, and shortage costs, and that will then
consciously trade-off all the relevant costs in arriving at a cost-effective
inventory policy. If we attempt to inf luence the inventory by
"adjusting" the forecasts up-front, we short-circuit this process
without proper information.
Error Statistics
Given a set of n observations of the series
Zt , and the corresponding forecasts Z't , we can define statistics based on the set
of the error terms ( where et = Zt - Z't )
that are useful to describe and summarize the accuracy of the forecasts. These
statistics are simple averages of some function of the forecast errors. While
we are developing these statistics in the context of time-series forecasting,
these measures are completely general. They can be applied to any set of
forecast errors, no matter what technique had been used to generate the
The Mean Deviation (MD) is a simple and
intuitive error statistic. It is computed as the arithmetic average of the set
of forecast errors. Note, however, that, large positive and negative errors
will "cancel themselves out" in the average. It follows that a small
mean deviation does not necessarily imply that the errors themselves were
small, or that the forecasts were particularly accurate. The MD is in fact a
measure of the bias in the forecasts.

The Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) corrects
for this "canceling out" problem by averaging the absolute value of
the errors. Thus the MAD represents the average magnitude of the errors without
regard to whether the errors represented under-forecasts or over-forecasts. The
MAD is a traditional and popular error measure in logistics and inventory
control systems because it is easy to calculate and easy to understand.
However, the statistical properties of the MAD are not well suited for use in
probability-based decision models.

The Mean Squared Error (MSE) is obtained by averaging the squares of the
forecast errors. Note that this procedure will also eliminate the
"canceling out" problem. In an unbiased set of forecasts, the MSE is
the equivalent of the variance of the forecast errors. MSE is the statistically
appropriate measure of forecast errors. For a given item, we will generally
compare the accuracy of various forecasting procedures on the basis of MSE, and
we seek to find the forecasting technique that will minimize the MSE of our

The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is simply
the square root of the MSE.

As such,
the RMSE of a set of unbiased forecasts represents the standard deviation of
the forecast errors. Note also that the MSE is expressed in "units
squared", which can be unintuitive and difficult to interpret. The RMSE,
on the other hand, is expressed in the same measurement units as the demand
data and is therefore more intuitive to interpret. In sufficiently large data
sets, it can be shown that the RMSE will be proportional to the MAD, where the
constant of proportionality depends upon the underlying probability
distribution of the forecast errors. If the errors are normally distributed,
for example, then:

When assessing the performance of
forecasting procedures in a logistics system, it will be useful to summarize
the general accuracy or inaccuracy of the forecasts over a large set of SKUs.
We can expect that some of these items will be high demand items and some will
be low. We would expect to see larger forecast errors on items that average a
demand of, say, 100,000 unit per week than on items with average demand of
5,000 units per week. If we were to measure overall accuracy by calculating an
MSE for each SKU and then calculating an average of these individual MSEs, the
overall average would be strongly influenced by MSEs of the high-volume items
and would therefore be very difficult to interpret. In this situation, other
"relative" measures of accuracy are popularly used. These techniques
express the forecast errors on a comparative basis, usually as a
"percentage of actual". Thus each error is expressed, not in units,
but as a fraction or percentage of the actual demand which occurred in that period,
and these percentages are then averaged.
In the Mean Percent Error (MPE), algebraic signs are maintained, and so
errors can "cancel out". The MPE is a relative measure of the bias in
a set of forecasts. For example, we would interpret an "8% MPE" to
mean that the set of forecasts underestimated actual demand by about 8% on

In the Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE),
we express the absolute magnitude of each forecast error as a percentage of the
actual demand and then average the percentages. The MAPE is the most popular
aggregate measure of forecasting accuracy.

Forecast Optimality and Accuracy
What might constitute an optimal forecast?
In other words, we do not expect a forecast to be perfect, but how accurate
should or can a forecast be? If a time series consists of pattern and noise,
and if we understand the pattern perfectly, then in the long run our forecasts
will only be wrong by the amount of the noise. In such a case, the MSE of the
error terms would equal the variance of the noise terms. This situation would
result in the lowest possible long-term MSE, and this situation would
constitute an optimal forecast. No other set of forecasts could be more
accurate in the long run unless they were somehow able to forecast the noise
successfully, which by definition cannot be done. In practice, it is usually
impossible to tell if a given set of forecasts is optimal because neither the
generating process nor the distribution of the noise terms is known. The more
relevant issue is whether we can find a set of forecasts that are better (more
accurate) than the ones we are currently using.
How much accuracy can we expect or demand
from our forecasting systems? This is a very difficult question to answer. Forecasting
item level demand in a logistics system can be challenging, and the degree of
success will vary from setting to setting based on the underlying volatility
(or noise) in the demand processes. Having said that, many practitioners
suggest that for short-term forecasts of SKU level demand for high volume items
at the distribution center level, system-wide MAPE figures in the range of 10%
to 15% would be considered very good. Many firms report MAPE performance in the
range of 20%, 30%, or even higher. As we shall see, highly inaccurate forecasts
will increase the need for safety stock in the inventory system and will reduce
the customer service level. Thus the costs of inaccurate forecasting can be
very high, and it is worth considerable effort to insure that demand forecasts
are as accurate as we can make them.
Simple Time Series Methods
In this section we will develop and review
some of the most popular time series techniques that have been applied to
forecasting demand in logistics systems. All of these procedures are easy to
implement in computer software and are widely available in commercial
forecasting packages.
The Cumulative Mean
Consider the situation where demand is somehow known to be arising from
a stationary generating process of the form:

where the value of L (the “level” of the
series) and the variance of the noise term
are unknown. In the long run, the optimal forecast for this time series would

since we cannot forecast the noise. Unfortunately, we do not know L.
Another way to think about this is to consider the expected value of any future
observation at time t, where E[x] is the
expected value of the random variable x:

This is so because L is a
constant and the mean of the noise term is zero. It follows that the problem at
hand is to develop the best possible estimate of L from the available data.
Basic sampling logic would suggest that, since the underlying process never
changes, we should use as large a sample as possible to sharpen our estimate of
L. This would lead us to use a cumulative mean for the forecast. If we have
data reaching back to period one, then at any subsequent period t:

We would simply let the forecast
equal the average of all prior observations. As our demand experience grew, we
would incorporate all of it into our estimate of L. As time passed, our
forecasts would stabilize and converge towards L, because in the long run the
noise terms will cancel each other out because their mean is zero. The more
data we include in the average, the greater will be the tendency of the noise
terms to sum to zero, thus revealing the true value of L.
Should this procedure be used to
forecast demand in a logistics system? Given the demand generating process we
have assumed, this technique is ideal. In the long run, it will generate
completely unbiased forecasts. The accuracy of the forecasts will depend only
upon the volatility of demand; that is, if the noise terms are large the
forecasts will not be particularly accurate. On the other hand, without regard
to how accurate the forecasts may be, they will be optimal. No other procedure
can do a better job on this kind of data than the cumulative mean.
The issue of the utility of this
tool, however, must be resolved on other grounds. If we have purely stationary
demand data, there is no doubt that this is the technique of choice. On the
other hand, very few items in a logistics system can be expected to show the extreme
stability and simplicity of demand pattern implied by this generating process.
Sometimes analysts are tempted to average together demand data going back five
years or more because the data are available, because the data are
"true" or accurate, and because "big samples are better."
The issue here is not whether the historical demand truly happened -- the
question is whether the very old data are truly representative of the current
state of the demand process. To the extent that old data are no longer representative,
their use will degrade the accuracy of the forecast, not improve it. This
procedure will seldom be appropriate in a logistics system.
The Naive Forecast
the situation where demand is arising according to the following generating process:

Each observation of the process
is simply the prior observation plus a random noise term, where the noise
process has a mean of zero and a constant variance. This demand process is a
"random walk". As a time series it is non-stationary and has
virtually no pattern -- no level, trend, or seasonality. Such a series will
simply wander through long upward and downward excursions. If we think in terms
of the expected value of the next observation at any specific time t, we see that:

because at time t,
the value of Zt-1 is known and constant. This suggests that the best way to
forecast this series would be:

Each forecast is simply the most
recent prior observation. This approach is called a “naïve” forecast and is
sometimes referred to as "Last is Next". This is, in fact, an almost
instinctive way to forecast, and it is frequently used to generate simple
short-term forecasts. It can be shown that, for this specific generating
process, the naive forecast is unbiased and optimal. Accuracy will once again
depend on the magnitude of the noise variance, but no other technique will do
better in the long run.
It does not follow that this is
a particularly useful tool in a logistics system. The naive forecast should
only be used if demand truly behaves according to a random walk process. This
will seldom be the case. Customers can be inscrutable at times, but aggregate
demand for most items usually displays some discernable form or pattern. Using
a naive forecast ignores this pattern, and potential accuracy is lost as a
As an illustration of how forecast errors can be inflated by
using an inappropriate tool, look at what happens, for example, when we use a
naive forecast on demand data from a simple, stationary demand process. If
demand is being generated according to:

where L is a constant and the noise terms have a mean of zero and
a variance of s2, we have seen that the optimal
forecasting procedure would be the cumulative mean, and that in the long run
the accuracy of the forecasts would approach:

What would happen to the MSE if
we used a naive forecast instead of the cumulative mean on this kind of data?
In general, each error term would now be the difference between two serial

The expected value of the error terms would be:

and so the resulting forecasts
would be unbiased. However, the variance of the error terms would be:

since L is a constant. It
follows that the MSE of the naive forecasts will be twice as high as the MSE of
the cumulative mean forecasts would have been on such a data set.
The Simple Moving Average
Sometimes the demand for an item
in a logistics system may be essentially “flat” for a long period but then
undergo a sudden shift or permanent change in level. This may occur, for
example, because of a price change, the rise or fall of a competitor, or the
redefinition of the customer support territory assigned to the inventory
location. The shift may be due to the deliberate action of the firm, or it may
occur without the firm's knowledge. That is, the time of occurrence and size of
the shift may be essentially random from the firm's point of view. What
forecasting procedure should be used on such an item? Prior to the change in
level, a cumulative mean would work well. Once the shift has occurred, however,
the cumulative mean will be persistently inaccurate because most of the data
being averaged into the forecast is no longer representative of the new,
changed level of the demand process. If a naive forecast is used, the forecast
will react quickly to the change in level whenever it does occur, but it will
also react to every single noise term as though it were a meaningful, permanent
change in level as well, thus greatly increasing the forecast errors. A moving
average represents a kind of compromise between these two extremes.
In a moving average, the
forecast would be calculated as the average of the last “few” observations. If
we let M equal the number of observations to be included in the moving average,

For example, if we let M=3, we
have a "three period moving average", and so, for example, at t = 7:

The appropriate value for the parameter M in a given
situation is not obvious. If M is "small", the forecast will quickly
respond to any "step", or change in level when it does occur, but we
lose the "averaging out" effect which would cancel out noise when
many observations are included. If M is "large", we get good
averaging out of noise, but consequently poorer response to the occurrence of
the step change. The optimal value for M in any given situation depends in a
fairly complicated way upon the level, the noise variance, and the size and
frequency of occurrence of the step or steps in the demand process. In
practice, we will not have the detailed prior knowledge of these factors that
would be required to choose M optimally. Instead, M is usually selected by
trial and error; that is, values of M are tested on historical data, and the
value that would have produced the minimum MSE for the historical demand data
is used for forecasting. Note that this approach implicitly assumes that these
unknown factors are themselves reasonably stationary or time-invariant.
An example of this approach is shown in the table below. Thirty
periods of time series data are forecasted with moving averages of periods two
through seven. MSEs are calculated over periods eight through thirty. The
lowest MSE (52.26) occurs with the three period moving average (M=3). Note from
the table of the forecasts that these data underwent a step change in level at
period twenty. In effect, the value of M=3 made the best compromise between
canceling noise before the step occurred and then reacting to the step once it

The fundamental difference among
the three time-series procedures discussed thus far is the treatment or “value”
placed upon historical observations of demand by each forecasting model. The
cumulative mean procedure ignores the age of the observation, treating all
observations as equally relevant to the current state of the demand generating
process, no matter how old the individual observation is. This is seldom
reasonable for demand forecasting in a logistics system, since things do change
over time. The naive forecast acts as though only the most recent observation has
any real forecasting value, and all prior observations are treated as worthless
and ignored. Few logistics demand processes are quite this volatile. Things
change, but not quite that abruptly and continually. The moving average behaves
as though the latest M periods of data are all equally useful and all older
observations are totally worthless. This is a sort of compromise. Note that:
1. The cumulative mean is a
moving average where M "expands indefinitely" in the sense that it
includes all prior observations and grows with the "length" of the
series being forecasted.
2. The naive forecast is a
moving average where M = 1.
In this sense, "small"
moving averages resemble the naive approach, with all of its strengths and
weaknesses. "Large" moving averages resemble the cumulative mean,
with all of its advantages and disadvantages.
The Weighted Moving Average
It might seem more reasonable to assume that historical
observations actually lose their predictive value "gradually", rather
than so "abruptly" as in the moving average. As a given data point
becomes older and older, it becomes progressively more likely that it occurred
before the step change in level happened, rather than after it did. It
therefore might improve the accuracy of the forecast if we placed relatively
more emphasis on recent data and relatively less emphasis on less current
experience. This idea leads to the concept of a weighted moving average
forecast, where the last M observations are averaged together, but where they
are not given equal weight in the average:

For example, a "three
period weighted moving average" might look like:

Here the three most recent observations are weighted in the
proportions of 3 : 2 : 1 in their influence on the forecast. This technique
might in fact work better in terms of MSE than a simple moving average, or it
might not. The technique also leads to a "parameterization" problem,
since there is no obvious way to choose either M or the set of weights to use.
Any such pattern of weights will "work" in the sense of generating a
forecast, and the optimal choice is not at all clear.
Simple Exponential Smoothing
A popular way to capture the benefit of the weighted moving
average approach while keeping the forecasting procedure simple and easy to use
is called exponential smoothing, or occasionally, the “exponentially weighted
moving average”. In its simple computational form, we make a forecast for the
next period by forming a weighted combination of the last observation and the
last forecast:

where a is a parameter called the “smoothing coefficient”, “smoothing
factor”, or “smoothing constant”. Values of aare restricted such that 0 < a< 1. The choice of ais up to the analyst. In this
form, acan
be interpreted as the relative weight given to the most recent data in the
series. For example, if an aof
0.2 is used, each successive forecast consists of 20% "new" data (the
most recent observation) and 80% "old" data, since the prior forecast
is composed of recursively weighted combinations of prior observations. A
little algebra on the forecasting model yields a completely equivalent
expression that can also be used:

In this form we can see that
exponential smoothing consists of continually updating or refining the most
recent forecast of the series by incorporating a fraction of the current
forecast error, where arepresents
that fraction. During periods when the forecast errors are small and unbiased,
the procedure has presumably located the current demand level. Adding a
fraction of these errors to the forecast will not change it very much. If the
errors should become large and biased, this would indicate that the level of
demand had changed. Adding in a fraction of these errors will now
"move" the forecast toward the new level. Thus exponential smoothing
is a kind of feedback system, or an error monitoring and correcting process.
The choice of an appropriate value for awill depend upon the nature of
the demand data. In this sense, choice of a in exponential smoothing is analogous to the choice of M in
a moving average. If we use a relatively large value for a, we will have "Fast
Smoothing"; that is, the forecasts will be highly responsive to true
changes in the level of the series when they do occur. Such forecasts will also
be "nervous" in the sense that they will also respond strongly to
noise. If we use a relatively small value for a, we will
have "Slow Smoothing", with sluggish response to
changes in the true level of the series. On the other hand, forecasts will be
relatively "calm" and unresponsive to the random noise in the demand
process. The choice of the optimal value of ain a specific situation is usually done on a trial and error
basis so as to minimize MSE on a set of historical data. Experience has shown
that when this model is appropriate, optimal avalues will typically fall in a range between .1 and .3 .
Another way to think about the choice of ais to consider how a specific
choice of a will
inflate the forecast error while the data are truly stationary. It can be shown
that if the data are simply level and the standard deviation of the noise terms
is sn,
then the ratio of the forecast RMSE using a given ato the sn will be:

For example, using an a value of 0.20 on stationary data
"inflates" the RMSE by about five percent. In a sense, this is the
price we pay each period to be able to react to a change in the level if and
when such a change should appear.
In using exponential smoothing to forecast demand data,
there is another issue beyond the choice of a. Since each forecast is a modification of a prior forecast,
from where does the initial forecast come? The usual solution to this
“initialization” problem is to set the first "forecast" to be equal
to the actual demand in the first period:

after the fact, and to then use exponential smoothing for
period 2 and beyond.
Although exponential smoothing is a very simple process, the
model is actually more subtle than the arithmetic might suggest. The process is
called "exponential" smoothing because each forecast can be shown to
be a weighted average of all prior observations, where the weights being
employed "decline exponentially" with the increasing age of the
observations. Suppose we have been forecasting a series for many periods. At
each point in time, we form a forecast such as:

If we are at time t, what does Z't consist of? It is the forecast formed one period ago, at
time = t-1:

Substituting this expression for Z't into the equation for Z't+1 yields the equivalent expression:

Which simplifies to:

Continuing this process of
expanding the Z' term on the end of the formula will lead to a general

This implies that exponential smoothing
is the equivalent of a weighted average where the values of the weights are
determined by the choice of a.
The table and figure below illustrate the patterns of weights that result from
various values of a.
When a is very small (on the order of 0.01
to 0.05), the pattern of small, approximately equal weights that results
implies that the forecasts will closely resemble those generated by the
cumulative mean. For all the reasons previously discussed, this suggests that
very small values of a will
seldom be appropriate. Similarly, very large a values
(0.7 and above) place almost all the weight on the few most recent data points,
and so these forecast results will resemble those from the naïve forecast. It
follows that very large values of a will not often perform well either.


Adaptive Response Rate Exponential Smoothing
Since a small value for aworks well while the demand data
are "temporarily stationary", but a large value of aworks well to correct after a
change of level has occurred, the choice of ain simple exponential smoothing is always a compromise
between these two competing needs if we expect that the level of the demand
data can change from time to time. We could envision a slightly more
sophisticated model with two values for a, one large and one small. If the forecasts have been fairly
accurate lately, we would use “small a“ to forecast, but if the forecasts have been bad lately, we
would use a large value of a,
presumably to "catch up" to the change in level which has been
causing the recent large errors. This might make sense, but parameterization
issues remain. Which two values should we use for a? How "bad" is bad?
How "lately" is lately?
Adaptive Response Rate
Exponential Smoothing (ARRES), which was proposed by Trigg and Leach, is a
technique which embodies this basic idea and avoids the parameterization issue
(almost) by allowing ato
vary from period to period as a function of the smoothed forecast errors. We
start with a fixed smoothing coefficient, b, which is usually set to a value of about 0.2, although
once again an appropriate value can be found by experimentation with historical
demand data. Given a value for b, we calculate and update Et, which is a smoothed average of our forecast errors:

Et is the
"exponentially smoothed equivalent" of the Mean Deviation and is
therefore a rolling estimate of the current bias in the forecasts. We also use bto calculate At , which is an exponentially smoothed average
of the absolute errors and is therefore a "rolling" estimate of the
current MAD:

Then we use Et and At to set at, which is a value of athat is appropriate given the
current forecast accuracy:

and we use at to generate a forecast:

In this way at will
automatically adapt or respond to the forecast errors, taking on large values
when large, biased errors occur and taking on small values when small and
unbiased errors are generated. While adaptive procedures such as this are
intuitively very plausible, experience with them in actual logistics system
applications has shown that they tend to be too "nervous" or
"over-reactive". The resulting instability in the at values often leads to forecasts that are no
more accurate than those which would have been obtained with simple exponential
the Forecast Horizon
In each of the models considered
so far, we have focused on developing a "one period ahead" forecast.
That is, at time t we develop an expression for Z’t+1. In many cases it will be
useful to extend the forecast two or more periods into the future. For each of
the models developed thus far, the forecast developed at time t holds indefinitely
into the future:

This is true because in these models the underlying demand
process is assumed to be simply stationary, or "temporarily
stationary", or a random walk. As such, we have no additional information
or reason to modify our forecast based on the length of the forecasting
horizon. On the other hand, if the demand process is subject to changes in
level (or is random walk), then we would expect the forecast accuracy to
decline as we extend the forecasting horizon. An MSE that is calculated on weekly
forecasts that were made, for example, eight weeks in advance could be much
higher than the MSE on forecasts made only one week in advance. This happens,
in one sense, because the long forecasting horizon allows much more opportunity
for the demand level to change between the time the forecast for a given period
was made and the time when the demand actually occurs.
Trended Demand Data
Many items in a logistics system
can be expected to shown a trend in demand. None of the models discussed thus
far will cope well with a trended demand generation process. Models such as the
ones we have seen, which are intended to forecast stationary data, will lag
badly behind trended data, showing poor accuracy and high bias. Consider a
completely noiseless data series with a simple, constant, linear trend. This
should be a very simple pattern to forecast. As is shown in the figure below,
neither a moving average nor exponential smoothing will produce a useful
forecast. The problem is that any such procedure is averaging together
"old" data, all of which is unrepresentative of the "future
level" of the series. It is as though the series undergoes a change in
level in each period, and the forecast never has a chance to adapt to it or to
"catch up."

Time Series Regression
One way to deal with trended
demand data is to fit the historical data to a linear model with an
"ordinary least squares" regression. We would fit a linear model of
the form:

In effect, we would take a set
of demand observations and treat Zt as the dependent variable and t as the independent variable,
so that:

where the parameters to be estimated in the regression are
I, an intercept term, and T, the trend component, or the projected amount of
growth in the series per time period. In the regression procedure, these two
parameters are chosen in such a way that the MSE of the "fitted" Z’t estimates is minimized. A
"k step ahead" forecast at period t would then be calculated as:

This procedure is an attempt to
decompose the demand data observations into an initial level (the I term), a
trend component (the T term), and noise components, which are modeled as the
errors in the regression estimates. Once established, the model can be used for
several periods, or it could be updated and re-estimated as each new data point
is observed. Given the current state of computer capability, the computational
burden implied by this continual updating need not be excessive. On the other
hand, this regression-based approach suffers from the same potential problem as
do the cumulative mean and simple moving average. In a simple regression, each
observation, no matter how old, is given the same weight or influence in
determining the regression coefficients, and hence, the value of the next
forecast. However, there is always the possibility that the series can undergo
a shift in “level” at some point, or that the slope of the trend line may
change. Once such a change has occurred, all of the "older" data are
unrepresentative of the future of the process. This logic suggests that perhaps
some weighting scheme should be used to "discount" the older data and
place more emphasis on more recent observations. This might be done, for
example, with a "Weighted Least Squares" regression. While this could
be done, in actual practice other, simpler procedures are more commonly used
that accomplish the same ends.
Brown’s Double Smoothing
If we refer again to the data in
the previous figure, we can see that although the forecasts lag badly behind
the actual data, both the moving average and the exponential smoothing
forecasts do capture the true rate of growth in the series. The amount by which
the forecast lags is basically a function of how fast the series is growing and
how far back the data is being averaged, which is in turn a function of the M
value or avalue
being used. It is possible to use this insight to develop a smoothing procedure
that will separate the trend component from the noise in the series and
forecast trended data without a lag. One such procedure, which has been
popularized by R.G. Brown, is called Double Exponential Smoothing, or Double
Smoothing. Given a smoothing coefficient of a, we first calculate a simple smoothed average of the data:

This series will follow the
slope of the original data while smoothing out some of the noise. A second
series is then formed by smoothing the Bt values:

The second series will also tend
to capture the slope of the original data while further smoothing the noise.
Now we can use these two smoothed values to form the forecast:

It has been demonstrated that performing double smoothing on
a data set is mathematically equivalent to forecasting with a rolling (or
continually updated) weighted least squares regression where the weights being
applied would be of the form:

where i represents the age of
the data point. That is, for the most recent data point, i=0, for the next most
recent, i=1, and so on. The double smoothing technique is illustrated on a
trended data set in the following table and figure.


Holt’s Procedure
Holt’s procedure is a popular
technique that is also used to forecast demand data with a simple linear trend.
The procedure works by separating the "temporary level", or current
“height” of the series, from the trend in the data and developing a smoothed
estimate of each component. The "level" component, Lt, can be thought of as an
estimate of the actual level of demand in period t absent the noise component nt that is present in the
observation Zt. The
trend component, Tt,
is the smoothed average of the difference between the last two estimates of the
"level" of the series. Separate smoothing parameters can be used for
each component. A value of ais
chosen to smooth the series and adapt to changes in level. A value of bis chosen to allow the trend
estimate to react to changes in the rate of growth of the series. To create a
forecast at time t, we update our estimates of Lt and Tt and
then combine them:




The effects of large versus small values
for the smoothing coefficients, aand b,
are the same as in simple smoothing; that is, large aor bis responsive but nervous, small aor b is stable and
calm. Appropriate values are usually established by trial and error with a
criterion of minimizing MSE.


One might consider that
stationary data are simply a special case of the more general trended process
where the trend component is equal to zero. Following this logic, we could use
a trend model without regard to whether the demand was stationary or trended.
However, procedures such as Double Smoothing and Holt's technique should only
be used if the data really are trended; otherwise, the MSE will be inflated
because these procedures "look" for trend. For example, if the last
three or four observations just happen, due to noise, to suggest a trend,
Holt’s procedure will react to the data and move in the direction of the
apparent trend more strongly than a simple smoothing forecast would. As a result,
the trended forecasts will tend to wander away from the true level of the data,
and this will increase the forecast errors. If Holt's technique is being used
on data that are not in fact trended, the Tt values will be near zero, that is, small positive and
negative values will occur. This would be a strong indication that there is no
real trend in the data and that a stationary model should be used instead.
Smoothing with Seasonal Indices
Seasonal fluctuation in customer demand for product is a
very common phenomenon in most logistics systems. One simple approach to
forecasting demand which is level over the long run, but that has a strong
seasonal movement, is to add a correction amount to the forecast based on, say,
the season of the year. For example, if we were forecasting monthly demand we
could develop a set of twelve seasonal corrections. We could use a forecast
model of the form:

The notation q[t+1] can be read as "the
season of the year which period t+1 represents". For example, if t = 1 is
a January, then t = 13 is also a January, so q[13] = 1, and q[27] = 3, (which is a March) and so forth.. We could develop
and update exponentially smoothed estimates of the level and of each seasonal
correction term as demand was observed. Each value of Sq[t] would represent an estimate of how much above or below the
general monthly average we expect demand to be during a given month of the
A similar but more useful
approach that includes a seasonal influence in the model is to develop a set of
seasonal indices that are used to adjust the forecast to account for the time
of year. In this way we represent the seasonal correction as a factor or
multiplier of the base level, rather than as an additive amount which is
somehow independent of the level. This becomes an important issue in the
situation where the level can change, and particularly when the demand process
also includes trend. For this reason we will develop the following factor-based
forecasting model:

The model will include a level
term, L, and as many seasonal indices, S, as there are seasonal periods, where
m is the number of such periods in a year. Thus, for mont hly forecasts, m equals twelve; for
weekly forecasts, m would be 52. The level estimate and each of the seasonal
indices are updated with exponential smoothing, using aon the level term and gas the smoothing coefficient on
the indices. To understand the updating and forecasting process, we should
interpret the notation Sq[t] to mean "the seasonal index
for period of the year that trepresents
as was estimated at time period t".
As an illustration of the
procedure, consider an example with monthly forecasts. Unless we had prior
information about initial estimates of the level and seasonal factors, we would
probably observe one full year’s worth of data to initialize these model terms.
At period t = m = 12, with the first twelve observations in hand, we would
estimate the level as the average per-period demand:


By averaging over one full year (or multiple whole years if the data
were available), we "de-seasonalize" the data and “average out” the
seasonal effects from the level. We can now estimate each seasonal index as the
ratio of that period’s actual demand to the overall average demand per period:

Having established an initial estimate of the level and the set of
seasonal indices, at time period t we would use the forecasting model:

by first updating the level by smoothing the old value against the
"de-seasonalized" most recent observation of the series:

and by then multiplying the level by the appropriate seasonal
index. After the actual demand in period t+1 has been observed, we can update
the associated index:

As an example, in the case where
m = 12, at period t = 27:



The procedure is illustrated in the table below, where
monthly data for four years are presented. The first twelve periods were used
to initialize the estimates, and then forecasts were generated using a= 0.2 and g= 0.2 for month 13 through month
48. As can be seen in the figure, the forecasts track the seasonal pattern
quite closely.


One final adjustment is often
made to this procedure. Notice that, due to the manner in which we initialize
the seasonal indices, the sum of the indices must equal m, or in other words,
the average of the indices must equal one. This makes sense; it is the
equivalent of saying that the average month must be equal to the average month.
However, once we begin the updating process, we change the indices one at a
time. For this reason, the sum of the indices will no longer necessarily equal
m. For example, in the table above, the last column shows the sum of the twelve
most recent index values expressed as a percentage of m. If the sum of the
indices is allowed to wander away from m, biased forecasts will result. The
final step in the procedure, then, is to "normalize" the index
values. In this context, normalization means that when one index value is
updated, all the other index values are adjusted so that their sum always
equals m. The specific adjustment mechanism is arbitrary. A typical procedure
would be:
1. Take
the amount that the update has added to the new value of the seasonal index,
Apportion it out to the other (m-1) indices, and
3. Subtract
it from the (m-1) indices in such a way that the (m-1) estimates maintain their
same relative proportion, and the sum of all the indices is still m.
If we had a set of seasonal
indices, say, S1 through
Sm, and an update of an index
results in an increment of dbeing
added to, for example, St, then the new set of indices, S’1 through S’m would be calculated as:


Winter’s Model for Seasonal/Trended Demand
It will often be the case that
items in a logistics system exhibit demand patterns that include both trend and
seasonality. It is possible to combine the logic of Holt’s procedure for
trended data and the seasonal index approach so as to forecast level, trend,
and seasonality. This approach is embodied in Winter's Model for
Trended/Seasonal Data. Each component term of the forecast is estimated with
exponential smoothing, and separate smoothing coefficients, a, b, and g,
can be used for each estimate:




Developing reasonable initial
estimates of the L, T, and S values is more difficult in this procedure. Unless
we have some good a priori reason to establish these values, we will need at
least two full seasons of historical data (usually two years worth) to be able
to distinguish between trend and seasonality in the data. As an example, a
simple but approximate approach is as follows.
Given two years of monthly data
through Z24), we can compute Y1 as the average monthly demand of
the first year and Y2 as
the average monthly demand of the second year. Since averaging over a year
de-seasonalizes the data, and also allows some of the noise to cancel, the
difference between Y1 and
Y2 can be roughly attributed to one
year’s accumulation of trend, so an initial estimate of T can be calculated:



The first year average, Y1, can be thought of as the
average of the initial level plus eleven months with increasing trend. In other
words, if we ignore seasonality and noise:


An estimate of the initial level can therefore be:

The seasonal influence can be initially estimated from the
difference between the actual demand observed in a period and an estimate based
only on level and trend. For each of the m periods in a year, we have two
observations to average, so:

Due to the manner in which these
indices have been estimated, they will not generally sum to m. They should
therefore be normalized before they are used.
These procedures are illustrated
in the following tables and figure, where two years worth of monthly data are
used to initialize the estimates and Winter’s procedure is used to generate
forecasts for the following three years.


Once again, it can be important
to normalize each seasonal index as the forecasting proceeds. As was true with
the models for trended data, seasonal procedures should only be used on data
that are truly seasonal; otherwise, the MSE can be inflated. If we use a
seasonal technique on data that are not seasonal, then all the Sq[t] values will be "near" 1.0 all of the time.
While Winter’s procedure is not
complex, there can be quite a bit of tedious calculation involved. To forecast
weekly demand data, for example, we would first select appropriate values of a , b , and g as smoothing parameters. This
would involve a simultaneous search of possible combinations of values. At each
weekly forecast, we would update estimates of Lt, Tt,
and the appropriate Sq[t], and then normalize the other 51 seasonal indices. Needless
to say, in practice this work is done in a computer. Most commercial software
intended to forecast demand in a logistics system incorporates this procedure
or some variation on it.
Forecasting Low Density Demand
Many items in a logistics system can be expected to exhibit
low density of demand; that is, the demand for a specific SKU at a specific
location over a relatively short time interval will be small or sparse. This
can often occur, for example, at the retail level in consumer goods, and in the
case of maintenance, repair, and operating supplies (MRO items) in industrial
systems. In situations where demand is sporadic and often is zero in any given
period, time-series procedures as discussed above are usually inappropriate.
Error measures such as MAPE, for example, are ill defined when the actual
demand that occurs is zero. If the usual forecast being generated by the
forecasting model is simply zero, why are we carrying the item? How will our
inventory control logic handle an item when its projected demand is zero?
Another forecasting approach is
called for. Instead of working with historical data to estimate the current
expected value of the generating process (Z’t+1) and using the observed forecast errors to estimate a
standard deviation, another approach is to directly estimate the demand
probability distribution. In this case, the "forecast" becomes the
current estimation of the entire probability distribution, rather than a point
estimate of the next period demand.
The Poisson Distribution
This discrete, non-negative distribution is often appropriate to
describe the probability of "rare" events. For example, if demand
arises from a failure process, as in repair parts, there is theoretical
justification for the Poisson. Many mechanical and electronic components follow
a failure process such that the "time to failure", or component
lifetime, will follow the exponential probability distribution. For a set of
such items, the number failing per unit time will follow the Poisson.
The Poisson can also be a reasonable
choice for a demand distribution in the case where a relatively large number of
customers all have a given probability of purchasing an item and all customers
act independently of one another and over time. In such a case the demand
distribution for each customer can be thought of as a binomial distribution. If
the number of customers is large, and the probability associated with each
customer is small, then the Poisson is an excellent approximation for demands
arising from this set of customers. The Poisson is also an excellent
approximation even if all of the customer's purchase probabilities are not
exactly equal, that is, even if some customers are more likely to purchase than
If the average number of demands
per unit time is l , and if demand is Poisson, then the probability of observing
exactly d demands in any given time period is:

Poisson probabilities are very
easy to compute recursively in computer programs and spreadsheets, since:


The Poisson is a discrete
distribution, but its mean need not be an integer. Thus if we generate a
forecast that "demand per period is Poisson with a mean of 3.5
units", this forecast implies a set of specific probabilities that
specific numbers of units will be demanded in the next period:

The variance of the Poisson distribution is always equal to l, so this single
parameter completely describes the distribution. As lbecomes large (l>25), the
Poisson converges to a discrete approximation to the Normal distribution. To
estimate demand with the Poisson, one usually gathers historical observations
of demand per period and averages them to estimate l. Note that this is the equivalent
of the "cumulative average approach" with all of its inherent
assumptions of extreme stability in the demand process over time. To react to
potential movements in the generating process, one might operate Exponential
Smoothing on the observed data and use the resulting forecast as the current
estimate of the mean of the Poisson process. In this case it would be important
to maintain several decimal places in the estimate instead of rounding the
average to an integer value.
Compound Poisson Distributions
It is frequently the case that
the observed demand data display more variance than would be expected from the
Poisson distribution; that is, the observed demand variance is substantially
greater than the mean demand. In this situation a set of related distributions
may be appropriate. For example, the Gamma-Poisson, also called the Negative
Binomial, is a discrete, non-negative "Poisson-like" distribution
that can have any variance greater than its mean. The Gamma-Poisson
distribution would model the case where demand in any given period is Poisson,
but the mean of the Poisson varies over time as though in each period it were
an independent realization from a Gamma probability distribution. Given that a
random variable is Gamma-Poisson distributed with a mean of m and a variance of s2, the distribution parameters, a, b, and r,
are defined as:



We follow the parameter notation
here that is conventional in the field; these parameters are in no way related
to the exponential smoothing coefficients aand b.
In using the Gamma-Poisson distribution, probabilities can be easily calculated
from the following recursive formulae:


One would typically use
historical observations to estimate the mean and variance of observed demand to
estimate the parameters of the distribution. Once again, the use of very
long-term averages for these estimates implies an assumption of underlying
stationarity in the demand process that may or may not be appropriate.
Empirical Distributions and Vector Smoothing
A third approach is
to simply fit the observed demand data to an arbitrary empirical distribution.
If, for example, over N periods we observed that demand was zero exactly n0 times, and that demand in a period was exactly
one on n1 occasions, and so forth, we
would estimate that:

Once again we have the problem
of updating these estimates to reflect changes in the underlying demand
distribution which may occur over time. An approach to this problem that has
been developed by R.G. Brown is called "Vector Smoothing".
Given a set of historical demand
data, we could establish initial estimates of the set of Pi values as described above. Then
as new demand data were observed, each Pi estimate would be updated using Vector Smoothing as follows:


So long as the initial Pi estimates sum to 1.0, this procedure will generate new Pi[t] estimates that will also sum
to 1.0 at each time period. The choice of a large or small value for awill determine how quickly or
how slowly the probability estimates will change in response to changes in the
observed frequencies of the demanded quantities.
Other Time Series Procedures
Many other more sophisticated
time-series forecasting procedures are available, and many have been applied to
the problem of forecasting demand in a logistics system. We will discuss two of
the more well known approaches, Power Spectrum Analysis and the Box-Jenkins
procedure. Our treatment of each will be introductory, brief, and nontechnical.
Power Spectrum Analysis
The basic concept of power
spectrum analysis is that a time series can be represented, and hence
forecasted, by a set of simple trigonometric functions. Variations of this
concept are called Spectral Analysis and Fourier Analysis. The approach is
intuitively attractive in a situation where the time series exhibits strong
periodicity, such as in strongly seasonal demand data.

As an illustration of the idea,
consider hypothetical monthly demand data that is level with a strong seasonal
component and a noise term. We have superimposed a sine wave, where the
frequency of the sine function has been set at one year and the amplitude has
been fitted to the demand data. The sine function has a period of 360° ; that
is, the "sine wave" repeats itself every 360°. With monthly data, the
"degrees" associated with each period t would be:

We could think of these data as having
been generated by:

where A is the amplitude
and nt is a random noise term.
Forecasts would be produced by:

In practice, actual demand will seldom track accurately to a
simple sine wave. The usual pattern is more complex. However, very complex
waveforms can be constructed from a small set of sine functions with different
frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. For example, in the following figure the complex waveform
pattern is simply the sum of three sine functions with frequencies of 6, 12,
and 18 periods.

In a power spectrum analysis,
the objective is to search through the data to determine its underlying
periodic structure; that is, to find the frequencies, amplitudes, and phases of
the small set of sine functions that will accurately track to the historical
data. Sine functions are fitted to the data using ordinary least squares techniques.
This model of the historical demand data is then used to forecast future
The power spectrum analysis
process can reveal an underlying periodic dynamic in the data, if there is one,
which may not be at all obvious from a visual inspection of the data. For this
approach to prove useful in the context of forecasting demand there should be a
reason to believe that the actual demand may be "fluctuating at more than
one frequency." For example, suppose the market for an item consists of a
consumer segment and a commercial segment. Further suppose that the consumer
segment exhibits strongly seasonal demand on an annual basis, while the
commercial segment is unaffected by the time of year but is strongly influenced
by a tendency of customers to "load up" at the end of each fiscal
quarter because of common budgetary practices. Total demand would be the sum of
these two processes. In this scenario, a power spectrum analysis might bring
out the underlying periodic nature of the demand.
Box-Jenkins [ARIMA] Models
The Box-Jenkins technique is a rigorous, iterative procedure for
time series forecasting. It relies on a series of tests to select a particular
correlative model from a family of models. This is referred to as the
"identification phase" of the procedure. The parameters of this model
are then estimated. A battery of statistical tests is then applied to the
models; if the model is rejected a new one is depicted and the process repeats
until a satisfactory model is found. The method requires a least 50 historical
observations for consecutive periods. It is an elaborate procedure, but most
commercial statistical packages include Box-Jenkins routines.
The basic idea is that there is
a simple but large set of functional models that can represent many possible
patterns of data found in time series. For a stationary series, we can
visualize the data generating process as a weighted combination of prior
observations plus a random noise term:

This is referred to as an
autoregressive (AR) model, where the f terms represent the weights or relative
contribution of an old observation to the next data point. For example, with
monthly data that were strongly seasonal, we would expect to see a large value
for f12 , because demand in January is strongly
correlated to demand in the prior January, February with the prior February,
and so forth. In a typical set of time series data, most of the possible f terms will have
trivially small or statistically insignificant f parameters, so that the series can be
well represented by a small set of significant parameters which characterize
the specific series..
We could also visualize the data
generating process as a weighted combination of prior noise terms and the
current noise term:

This is referred to as a moving
average (MA) model. This is an unfortunate choice of terminology, because it is
easily confused with the simple moving average procedure. Either the AR model
or the MA model can be used to represent the time series, but for a given data
set, one form will generally be much more parsimonious than the other. That is,
in the case where the AR form results in a model with ten or fifteen
significant f terms,
an equivalent MA representation may require only two or three q parameters. These two general
models can also be combined to form an autoregressive moving average (ARMA)
process, such as:

The approach so far has assumed
that the data series is stationary. If the series is trended, the data are
first "reduced to stationarity" by taking what is called the
"first difference" of the series. The first difference of the series,
Dt, is defined as:

If the data contain a simple linear trend, taking this first
difference will eliminate the trend component and leave a stationary series.
Applying an ARMA model to a "differenced" time series produces what
is called an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, such as:

In the identification phase of a
Box-Jenkins analysis, an analysis of the correlational structure of the data
set is undertaken to determine a parsimonious but adequate model to represent
the underlying process. In the estimation phase, non-linear regression tools
are used to find specific parameter values (f’s and q’s)
that will fit the model to the data with a minimum squared error criterion.
Finally, the fitted model can be used to forecast future observations of the
The Box-Jenkins approach allows
for a rich set of functional forms to model demand data. The analyst uses
diagnostic tools such as the autocorrelation functions and partial correlations
to interpret the structure of the observations, but the analysis process is
complex and requires considerable training and skill. In a system where thousands
of individual SKUs must be forecast, the Box-Jenkins approach will likely prove
to be too burdensome. The process also requires considerable historical data,
and it includes the assumption that the underlying process is time-invariant;
that is, that the data generating process does not evolve over time. In studies
of actual SKU level demand data, Box-Jenkins forecasts have not generally
proven to be more accurate than those generated by simpler tools. For these
reasons, Box-Jenkins is not often used for demand forecasting in a logistics
Implementation Issues
We have discussed a number of
reasonably simple quantitative tools that can be used to develop demand
forecasts. In practice, however, this is often the easiest part of the
forecasting problem. The forecasting algorithm – the "arithmetic" --
is easily embedded in computer software that is widely available. Many
important implementation issues remain, most of which focus on the data being
used in the forecasting system. In this section we will focus on a discussion
of some of these data issues.
Demand Data Aggregation
Most demand data
are composed of many individual elements. For example, store sales are based on
customers' individual purchase decisions. These purchase decisions are aggregated
in several ways in order to enable managers to use them in decision making. The
elemental action is the purchase of a given item by a given customer at a given
location on a certain date. The universe of such actions can be aggregated as
Temporally: add up the sales of
each product line at each store by day, week, month, quarter and year.
Geographically: add up sales of
all departments in a given store, all stores in an area, all areas in a region,
all regions in a country, all countries in a continent (or other geographical
division used by the firm), and overall total.
By product line:
add up all SKU level sales in a sub-category (e.g., soaps) and category (e.g.,
health and beauty aids).
By manufacturer: add up all sales by a given manufacturer.
By socio-economic characteristics: add up all sales by a given
customer across all departments and product lines, add up all sales of
high-spending customers, etc.
Different aggregations are used
for different purposes. In practice, most demand data actually represent
several aggregations simultaneously. Thus a material manager may look at a
weekly flows of parts from all manufacturers in a certain area of the country
into an assembly plant, and a distribution manager may be interested in sales by
week or by month at given regions and individual locations, by manufacturer.
It is usually the case that the more aggregated the data, the
"easier" it is to forecast. In other words, many forecasts of, say,
total annual sales of a given item may be quite accurate; the weekly sales at a
given store, however, can be much more difficult to forecast. This is an
inherent characteristic of the forecasting process. To see why this is so,
consider, a manager who must forecast the daily sales of bottled aspirin at one
large drugstore to set orders for deliveries. Suppose we know from past data
that the average daily volume is 100 bottles, there is no trend or seasonality
in the data, and the standard deviation of demand is ten units, with demand
(and hence the noise) normally distributed. Thus the demand data are stationary
with L = 100 units and the standard deviation of the noise terms,sn, equal to 10 units. If we
forecasted these data using simple exponential smoothing with an a value of 0.2 the long run
forecast accuracy would be:

Since these data are stationary, the MAPE should equal 100 times
the MAD divided by L:

Now suppose we were forecasting
weekly sales rather than daily sales. With seven days in a week, expected
demand per period would be (7L) or 700 units. Each day has a noise variance of
100 units squared, and the weekly noise variance is (7s2n) or 700 units squared, so the weekly noise standard
deviation is 26.5 units. Thus with an a of 0.20, we would expect an RMSE of 27.9 units and an MAPE
of 3.18 %
In general, the standard
deviation of the noise terms grows as the square root of the number of periods
being aggregated. As a result, the forecast RMSE grows as the square root of
the number of periods being aggregated, and the MAPE falls as the inverse of
the square root of the number of periods being aggregated. As a rough rule of
thumb, for example, if we compared weekly forecasts to monthly forecasts, we
would expect the monthly results to have twice the RMSE and half the MAPE.
As is illustrated in this
analysis, the relative forecast error (MAPE) declines as the aggregation level
grows. This is the reason that it may be “easier” to forecast annual sales than
daily sales, or regional sales rather than sales at a single store. The effect
of aggregation on accuracy can be particularly powerful when the aggregation
takes place across SKUs and locations. When the aggregation takes place across
time, however, two forces come into play. Notice that in this numerical example
the underlying demand process was assumed to be time-invariant. As a result,
aggregating demand data reduced relative forecast errors. In many situations,
we will face both an "aggregation effect" and a "forecasting
horizon effect". In order to aggregate demand over time, we must extend
the forecasting horizon. As we have seen, when a demand process is subject to
random changes over time, lengthening the forecasting horizon will increase the
forecast errors. The extent to which aggregation over time periods will improve
forecast accuracy will therefore depend, in each situation, upon which is the
more dominant of these two effects. In addition, there will still be the issue
of the utility of the forecasts. If the firm really needs weekly forecasts to
operate, the fact that monthly or quarterly forecasts may prove to be more
accurate is not really relevant.
Sales History versus Demand Data
Most firms believe that they
have an extensive historical demand database to use for forecasting, but in
fact this is very seldom the case. In most firms, all of these records actually
represent sales histories, not demand histories. If the firm enjoys one hundred
percent inventory availability, one hundred percent of the time, then this is
probably not of great importance. But to the extent that individual items are
out of stock, and sales are lost as a result, sales data will generally misrepresent
the "true" or "latent" demand that occurred. In many firms,
particularly at the retail level, there is no effective way to capture this
"missing" demand. In a retail establishment, a customer looks at the
shelf, sees the out of stock condition, and buys the item from someone else.
Even in the commercial or industrial setting, where it would be possible to
capture "lost demand data" in the formal order processing system,
very few firms do. As firms move towards increased Supply Chain visibility by
allowing their customers one-line, real-time access to their current inventory
availability position, more and more commercial and industrial ordering
situations begin to resemble the consumer retail shelf in this regard.
As a
result, our carefully maintained data may be accurate sales records, but they
are not demand data. For purposes of forecasting future demand, we should
augment the sales records with estimates of "lost demand", but this
is not easy to do. The fundamental question can be thought of as this: How much
would we have sold while we were out of stock? Unfortunately, in most cases
this is simply "unknowable". On the other hand, if we ignore the
issue, then we are implicitly estimating the missing data with a value of zero.
Surely we can do better than that.
Suppose, for example, that the
record shows that we sold 300 units of an item last month. Suppose the records
also show that the item was out of stock for a total of one week last month. If
we simply (and conservatively) assume that demand is about the same each day,
and that it is not affected by our stock position, then it seems reasonable to
estimate that "true demand" was about 400 units. In other words, a
very rough way to approximate true demand in a period might be:

As simple as this adjustment is,
most firms do not use it. There seems to be great reluctance to use
"imaginary" data, as opposed to the "real" data in the
sales records. The point is, which set of numbers will do the best job of
forecasting future demand -- total demand -- for the item? Notice, also, the
self-perpetuating nature of this process. We run out of stock in one period and
lose some potential sales as a result. Using this sales record, we
under-forecast demand in the next period. Based on this low forecast, we carry
too little inventory in the next period. As a result, we run out again, and the
vicious cycle continues. Eventually, customers tire of our poor inventory
availability and they don't come back. At this point our under-forecasts have
become a self-fulfilling prophecy. There is no easy analytic solution to this
problem. However, it seems clear that for items that have serious availability
problems, some adjustment to sales data must be made to correct the biased
forecasts that will otherwise inevitably occur.
Demand Displacement
And what about those situations where stockouts do not cause
lost sales? In many of these cases, the shortage is addressed by backordering,
by shipping from an alternate location, or by item substitution. In these
cases, "total demand" is somehow preserved and represented in the
firm's sales records, but the records are distorted in a way that will
interfere with accurate demand forecasting.
Consider the situation where
demand is backordered during stock outages and is satisfied when stock becomes
available. For forecasting purposes it is important that the demand is
registered as occurring when the property was ordered, not when the order was
filled. If we record the sale when filled, the demand is "displaced in
time". This distortion or "time shifting" of the data will
particularly reduce forecast accuracy when demand is trended or seasonal. If
the firm maintains its own backorder records, this is a relatively easy problem
to correct. In many cases, however, the customers in effect maintain their own
backorders. That is, sometimes loyal customers simply wait until stock is
finally available and then buy. In this situation there are no backorder
records to work with, but some adjustments are still possible. Suppose we have
an item which routinely sells about 100 units per week. We run out of stock,
and are out for four weeks. In the fifth week, we sell 500 units. Does this
indicate that a large "noise term" happened, or that the demand level
on this item has jumped to a new level of about 500 per week, or does this
represent "pent up" demand or customer "self-backordering"?
How we answer this question will have a significant effect on our forecast --
and our forecast accuracy.
In many logistics systems, an out of stock situation at one
location will be handled by satisfying the customer with property from another
location. As an example, we might routinely serve a customer in Miami from our regional
distribution center in Atlanta .
If we are out of stock in Atlanta ,
and the customer will not accept a backorder, we might ship from our
distribution center in Dallas .
The shipping will probably cost more, and the transit time will likely be
longer, but it is important to fill the orders. Who should receive
"credit" for this sale? To keep the on-hand inventory records
accurate, we must record the transaction against the inventory in Dallas . For the purposes
of demand forecasting, we must record the demand against the Atlanta facility. To do otherwise is to
"misplace demand" twice. This would result in exaggerating the demand
in Dallas , thus
building unnecessary stock, as well as underestimating demand in Atlanta , which would
result in under-stocking there.
In still other situations,
particularly at the final retail level, temporary stock shortages are handled
by item substitution. We wanted to buy a forty-ounce bottle of detergent, but
the store was out, so we put a sixty-ounce bottle in our cart instead. We
wanted to buy a blue sweater, but our size is sold out. The job of the
salesperson at this point is to convince us that we really look good in green,
which is available. In each of these situations, demand is almost always
recorded against the less preferred alternative, which is the item that was
actually sold. Given the use of forecasts to control inventory, the ensuing
forecasts will increase the probability that the less preferred item will be
available in the next period, and will increase the probability that the more
preferred item will not be.
A certain amount of demand
displacement seems inevitable in any large inventory system with less than one
hundred percent inventory availability. To the extent that it occurs, it will
interfere with forecast accuracy. The remedy is conceptually simple: record the
demand in the time period, in the location, and against the item where it
really occurred. In practice, very few firms have developed the capability to
do this.
Treatment of "Spikes"
in Demand Data
Sometimes we observe a
"spike" in demand; that is, one or two periods of highly unusual
demand for an item. Demand might be many multiples above or below its typical
level -- far beyond what might be thought of as "just noise" or normal
variability. These records may represent errors in the data. Alternatively, the
records may accurately reflect what really happened. If the demand was real,
management may understand why the unusual demand occurred. Perhaps there was a
natural disaster, a weather incident, a major labor strike, or some other
dramatic event that caused the disruption of the normal demand pattern. On the
other hand, there may be no obvious explanation of why the demand occurred. In
any case, how should we treat these data "spikes" when we forecast
demand for the item?
Once again, the issue is not
whether the demand "really happened"; rather, the issue is whether
the use of these data will improve or degrade the forecasts. We know that time
series techniques will be influenced by these spikes, and that forecasts in
general will move in the direction of the spike. Since spikes do not represent
the regular period to period pattern in the data, an ideal forecasting
procedure would ignore them.
One of
the reasons to work with small values for the smoothing coefficients in the
exponential smoothing techniques is that small values will not react as
strongly to spikes. Another approach is to eliminate the spikes from the demand
data and to replace them with more representative data. In a logistics system
where thousands of individual SKU level forecasts are being generated, this
would be difficult and time-consuming to do manually. It would probably be more
reasonable to "filter" the data in the computer program. For example,
any demand point that was sufficiently "unusual", say, an observation
with a forecast error that is:

trigger a request for the analyst's intervention, or it might automatically be
replaced by a more typical value such as the previously forecasted value for
that period.
approach to this general problem is to code all sales transactions as they
occur as either “recurring demand” or as “non-recurring demand”. Recurring
demand is the normal, everyday sales data that we would use to build forecasts.
Any sale that was highly unusual or "one time" in nature would be
coded as non-recurring demand and would not be used for forecasting. This
approach has been used for decades in the military logistics systems of the United States .
For example, a fighter aircraft traveling cross-country might need to stop at a
bomber base for unscheduled repairs. Any spare parts that were needed would be
ordered and coded as non-recurring demand so that the forecasting and inventory
algorithms would not begin to routinely stock the fighter parts at the bomber
emphasis throughout this chapter has been on formal statistical forecasting
methods. These methods draw information out of data that are assumed to be
based on simple underlying patterns and random process. In many cases, however,
a significant effort should be spent before any forecasting model is developed
to extract a deterministic part of the observation. Many data patterns include
orders or shipments based on MRP systems, accounting practices, incentive pay
of various actors in the supply chain, national holidays around the globe, or
other planned or predictable events.
Frequently such sources generate
lumpy demand with distinct patterns. Separating this demand from the rest
allows different treatment of this demand. For example, in the context of
supplying an assembly plant, major parts and sub-assemblies that are particular
to specific products should be treated deterministically, since they can be
derived directly from the production schedule. Such inbound parts could be ordered
and supplied “just-in-time ‘ to minimize inventory build up. Less expensive
items, as well as parts and material which are used in many products, should be
forecasted using statistical methods since the demand for them is the result of
the demand for many different products, each of which may be facing changing
final demand conditions.
for New Items
New product introductions present a special problem in that there
is no historical time series available for estimating a model. At issue is not only
the estimation of the sales at every future period but also, for example,
estimates of the time it takes to reach certain sales volumes.
In this and other contexts where there is no reliable historical
time series or when there are reasons to believe that future patterns will be
very different from historical ones, qualitative methods and judgment are used.
Unfortunately, many market research procedures, which are based on
questionnaires and interviews of potential customers, notoriously over-estimate
the demand since most respondents have no stake in the outcome. Data can also
be collected from marketing and sales personnel, who are in touch with
customers and can have an intuition regarding the demand for some products.
Other sources of informed opinions are channel partners, such as distributors,
retailers, and direct sales organizations.
The growth rates of similar products may also provide some
guidelines, particularly, if the analysis is coupled with comparative analyses
of each of the other products' attributes, the market conditions at product
launch, and the competitive products at the time. All of these factors should
be contrasted with the product being launched in the current environment, and a
composite forecast should be developed based on the weighted sales rates of
past products.
Among the formal methods, causal models play a special role in
cases where a historical time series is not available. Disaggregate demand
models can be used to formally capture the probability of purchase given a set
of product attributes and the characteristics of the target population.
Collecting disaggregate data is, however, expensive and the analysis requires
some expertise. Alternatively, multiple regression models can be used to
analyze the initial sale patterns of other products, which can be characterized
by their attributes and the population's characteristics. The new product
attributes are then applied using the estimated parameters.
Any formal time series procedure can only be used after a few
observations become available. The parameters of such a forecasting model
should be "aggressive", that is, using only a few observations in a
moving average, or a high value of the smoothing constant in a simple
exponential smoothing model. Once more information becomes available these
parameters can be re-set to a typical value.
Collaborative Forecasting
firms have moved beyond the integration of their internal logistics processes
and decision-making and have begun to focus on the close integration of logistics
processes with their trading partners both backwards and forwards in the
distribution channel. This inter-organizational logistics focus has come to be
called Supply Chain Management. In Supply Chain Management, firms attempt to
improve the efficiency of their logistics efforts through joint, cooperative
efforts to manage the flow of goods in a "seamless", organic way
throughout the channel. Each firm attempts to share useful data and to
coordinate all important logistics decisions. One logistics process that could
benefit dramatically from this kind of cooperation is demand forecasting. Many
firms are now working on cooperative forecasting techniques, and this general
idea has come to be called collaborative forecasting.
the traditional distribution system relationships between the manufacturer of a
consumer packaged good and the retailers who sell the product to the public.
Each retailer must forecast demand for each SKU at the store level. Based on
these forecasts and on a consideration of available inventory, warehouse
stocks, lead times, promotion plans, and other factors, each retailer than
develops an "order plan" which contains the timing and size of the
stock replenishment orders that the retailer intends to place on the manufacturer.
While this is going on, the manufacturer is also forecasting its demand for
each item by time period. In effect, the manufacturer is trying to forecast,
time period by time period, the effective sum of the order plans from all of
the retailers. In traditional practice, the manufacturer forecasts this total
demand independently, with no input from the retailers. In collaborative
forecasting, the retailers would share their demand forecasts and their current
order plans with the manufacturer, and the manufacturer would aggregate these
data to construct and verify its forecasts. Discrepancies between the retail
order plans and the manufacturer forecasts would be identified and resolved.
The final result would be improved forecast accuracy, less total inventory in
the system, and a smoother deployment of the goods into the retail channel.
central premise of collaborative forecasting has great merit, but there are a
number of potential problems that must be solved to gain the promised benefits.
First, there is an issue with the level of aggregation of the forecasts being
shared. Second, there is a communications issue involving the transfer of these
data between firms. Finally, there is an issue with the sheer volume of data
that would be processed in such a system.
first issue is that of aggregation. While the retailer plans orders that
represent demand or replenishment to its stores, the manufacturer often
forecasts its demand in total. Suppose, for example, that a retailer shared
with us that it planned to order 100,000 units during a coming period. As the
manufacturer, our prior forecast of our total demand for that same period was,
let us say, 1,000,000 units. What would we do with this new, and presumably
more accurate, information? Our previous estimate of this one retailer's
probable order is somehow included in our total forecast, but this retailer's
contribution to the total is not explicit due to the aggregation. For the
collaboration strategy to be useful, the manufacturer must forecast demand at
the level of the individual retailer, rather than at the level of total demand.
If the manufacturer sells through a channel that consists of thousands of small
independent retailers this will not be practical. However, suppose the retail
level of the channel can be thought of as : (1.) WalMart, (2.) KMart, (3.)
Target, and (4.) all other retailers. Given the ongoing concentration in the
mass merchandizing sector of retailing, these four demand segments might have
roughly equal sales volumes. By forecasting demand at the level of these major
segments, the manufacturer gains the ability to work with shared data from
major trading partners. In practice, many manufacturers are already forecasting
demand at the level of their major retail customers because of the importance
of these channel partners.
second implementation issue is that of data transmission. A collaborative
forecasting scheme would involve passing large volumes of data between many
firms. Common data standards will be essential to the success and widespread
adoption of these tools. In 1998 the VICS (Voluntary Interindustry Commerce
Standards) organization issued the "Collaborative Planning, Forecasting,
and Replenishment (CPFR) Voluntary Guidelines". This document outlines a
vision for implementing collaborative forecasting through the use of standard
EDI transaction sets and commonly agreed upon business practices. To quote from
the VICS guidelines:
does CPFR work? It begins with an agreement between trading partners to develop
a market specific plan based on sound category management principles. A key to
success is that both partners agree to own the process and the plan. This plan
fundamentally describes what is going to be sold, how it will be merchandised
and promoted, in what marketplace, and during what time frame. This plan
becomes operational through each company's existing systems but is accessible
by either party via existing VICS-approved communications standards.
party can adjust the plan within established parameters. Changes outside of the
parameters require approval of the other party, which may require negotiations.
The plan becomes the critical input to the forecast. The CPFR plans are rolled
up, and the balance of the forecast (for non-CPFR participants) is arrived at
through forecasting models.
CPFR, a forecast can become frozen in advance, and can be converted
automatically into a shipping plan, avoiding the customary order processing
which takes place today. CPFR systems also capture mission-critical information
such as promotion timing and supply constraints that can eliminate days of
inventory from the entire supply chain and avoid meaningless exception
Working within the framework of
agreed upon data transmission standards should greatly simplify the problem of
implementing a collaborative forecasting relationship, but there still remains
the very serious problem of processing the enormous volume of data implied by
the collaboration. Most firms have developed forecasting systems and software
that focus on the problem from the perspective of the individual firm, working
with one large set of forecasts. In a collaborative scheme, the emphasis shifts
to the comparison and collation of alternative forecasts of the same demand
activity as predicted by different channel partners. Analytic capability is
needed to search for meaningful similarities and differences in the data being
shared. Whole new classes of software are being developed to provide this
capability. For example, Syncra Software, Inc. has developed tools that it
describes as "BetweenWare" because these tools focus solely on
trading partnerships and cross-functional relationships. While recognizing that
common data transmission standards are an essent ial first step, Syncra suggests
that the larger problem remains:
"....And therein, as is
common with all industry standards, is the problem. While the standards
describing and enabling the exchange of business transaction data are quite
clear, it is usually people, not systems that resolve supply chain tension. The
issues arising from the lack of a common 'view' to the information and the
ability to filter 'actionable requirements' from among the billions of bits of
data among the participants in a supply chain result in a daunting barrier to a
widely deployable and implementable solution that can achieve 'critical mass'
The software produced by Syncra and
other firms are attempts to provide the firm with the data processing
capabilities they will need to fully exploit the potential of the collaborative
forecasting concept.
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